Updated: December 3rd 2021
Grace and peace be with you all. We are a community who exist and live through the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ who lives, died and lives again to bring salvation, through the Spirit, to the glory of the Father. This is to say, we are a people who are always seeking to be faithful to our God in whatever circumstance and environment we find ourselves in.
We are writing to advise you of the approach that First Church is taking to meet the government requirements under the new Covid Protection Framework (traffic light system) that replaces the Alert Level System at 11:59pm on December 2. Throughout the pandemic the Session has been prayerfully considering the latest advice from the government and weighed this against our core mission of loving God and loving our neighbours as ourselves.
The ministers and the Session are mindful of the significant toll that the pandemic is having on our lives. We have seen our context changed in ways that we could not anticipate. This has resulted in the cancellation of gathered worship, the introduction of public health measures in our gatherings, the suspension of much-loved elements of our lives together. Thank you for your patience and support throughout these adaptations.
The Session met on December 1 and decided that participation in our gathered worship services will be open to all who have a current vaccine pass. This means that whatever colour our region is at we can have as many people as possible involved in our services. Unfortunately, this means that if someone does not have a vaccine pass they will not be able to attend gathered worship at First Church.
The Session is mindful of Christ’s call to offer love to people regardless of their decisions and background. In response to this, the ministers and Session will assess the need for another service for people who do not have a vaccine pass. If you have interest in such a service, please let the ministers or the office know. Sermons will continue to be recorded and made available online for those unable to attend. Pastoral care and support will be extended to those who are unable to participate in our services.
Vaccine passes can be obtained online (https://mycovidrecord.health.nz) over the phone (0800 222 478) or in person at any pharmacy that is offering Covid 19 vaccinations.
Thank you for your understanding, prayers and patience in what is an incredibly difficult time. We know that for some in our wider community this is a contentious issue, and the Session has not made this decision lightly. If you have questions, suggestions or concerns please contact us.
May the Lord of peace himself give you peace in these times.
Please go to www.covid19.govt.nz for more information.