Every donation no matter how big or small helps fund pastoral care in the church and beyond.
Giving Form
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Giving Options
You can contribute financially in a number of ways.
Cash Offerings
Offerings put directly in the collection plate.
Envelope Offerings
The church provides you with a set of numbered envelopes, which you place in the offering. The money you give is recorded by your envelope number. Each year the envelope secretary, who works in strict confidence, sends you a receipt for what you have given. This can be used for gaining a tax rebate from Inland Revenue.
If you would like to be provided with Offering Envelopes then please contact the office on 03 477 7150.
Direct Credit or Automatic Payments
A significant proportion of the congregation donate to the church through automatic payments from their account. A receipt is issued at the end of each tax year.
If you would like an Automatic Payment form please contact the office on 03 477 7150.
You may wish to leave money to the church in your Will. This money is used for either specific or general purposes to help support the on-going activities and work of First Church.
The use of all money contributed to the church is governed by the Deacons Court. Accounts are audited and published each year in the Annual Report.
While in the longer term we would like to find ways of reducing the financial burden associated with caring for the wonderful old church, we currently rely on income generated from our endowment income to cover these costs. The money you give provides direct support for the Ministers’ stipend or salary, and helps fund pastoral care in the church and beyond.